Monday, March 14, 2011

Did St. Patrick Have A Snake Fetish

St. Patrick or Palladius as some people liked to call him was a queer old man. Much mystery surrounds the legend and mysticism associated with arguably the worlds most renowned saint. The story goes that St. Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland, however, fossil records have shown that post-glacial Ireland had no snakes, so that begs the question what exactly did he drive out of Ireland. Some historians maintain that the snakes or serpents were in fact a metaphor for the druids that lived the breadth of the country, perhaps St. Patrick used his long shaft to drive all the druids out of Ireland. One thing is for sure St. Patrick had a major snake fetish, in the picture above there is definitely a reciprocal exchange between St. Patrick and the snakes, sharing some sort of intimate moment. So the the situation begs further exploration, did we impose this fetish on St. Patrick or is their a wriggle of truth to the matter. 

So while you struggle with the S-dimension (snake-D) over the next few days spare a thought for the victims, snakes aren't actually that bad in fact had there been no snakes we wouldn't eat apples, had there been more snakes there probably would have been less rats and less black death, and whilst the potatoes died we could have eaten snakes here in Ireland. So enjoy your Paddy's day this year but raise a drink to the snakes a great bunch of lads!!

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