Friday, March 4, 2011

Stoning in Iran

If a morbid sense of curiosity ever leads you to wondering about possible ways of dying, you could probably imagine many gruesome, painful and horrific ways to die. Without a doubt there are not many worse ways to die than to be stoned to death. Shockingly, stoning is still an acceptable form of capital punishment that is still used in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Iraq and Iran. Below is a video of a woman being stoned to death by the Taliban. 

But perhaps the most well known case concerning stoning is happening in Iran today. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was sentenced to death by stoning for being convicted of adultery. If it were not for the intervention of her sons and the subsequent media coverage that her case received internationally she would have already have been executed. Having had her execution postponed on more than one occasion her lawyer has now been sentenced to death by hanging for mainly fabricated charges. If you watched the video above you can only imagine how horrifically painful it must be to be bombarded by rocks and stones. Some crimes deserve dramatic punishment and we cannot judge what crime deserves what punishment because different cultures do abide by different belief systems. Nevertheless, punishment in the form of stoning should be abolished for any crime, the method lacks any ounce of humanity and the 'rock throwers' can only be perceived as indulging in a twisted pleasure and obtaining some form of malevolent satisfaction, military or government orders aside.

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