Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jim Carrey was Jim Carrey is Jim Carrey= everlasting celestial Jim Carrey

At the ripe age of 32 in 1994 Jim Carrey finally became The Man with Ace Ventura, The MaskDumb and Dumber, Batman Forever and the sequel to Ace Ventura all coming out within two years of his Hollywood break through. So what was Jim Carry before that?

In Living Colour, a sketch comedy series  he starred in between 1990 to 1992 is the most evident vehicle for his comedic skills, the appropriate background sketch  is a good parallel to exactly what he was at the time, the background guy, who needed to be given the big screen to flourish.

The Jim Carrey we know and love is present in many of the sketches on the show, it is scary to think that if he disappeared off the radar before Ace Ventura, he may have been known as a limited comedian who was nothing more than a guy who could make faces. It's that face that is imprinted on my childhood's instinctive desires of how life should be lived. His face, movements and aura are more beautiful to me than Michaelangelo's sculpture David.

 He was that flame coloured crayon among the brown and fading crayons that are constantly tossed your way in this society, to make you conform, to make you a dull numerical statistic all ready for the coffin without as much as a squeak. Jim Carrey defies these pressures, he lights up the skies clearing away the cement of syncopated mentalities no matter the obstacle. He won a raspberry award for Ace Ventura as worst actor of the year, yet he did not conform, Jim Carrey was Jim Carrey is Jim Carrey=  everlasting celestial Jim Carrey, Amen.

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