Friday, March 18, 2011

First Probe Begins Orbit of Mercury

Nasa's MESSENGER probe has become the first human probe to orbit mercury. It has traveled over 4.9 billion miles from earth in a remarkable feat of human engineering. MESSENGER which stands for MErcury, Space, Surface, ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging, reported back to earth at 9:45 pm EDT and started to transmit data. MESSENGER was launched over six and a half years ago and has used both the earth and the moon to swing and propel itself towards mercury. As it approached mercury it fired it's thrusters in a precise and calculated manner in order to escape the gravity of the sun and begin orbiting mercury. MESSENGER is designed so that one side of it, equipped with a protective radiation and heat shield, always faces the sun, whilst the instruments face the surface of mercury and collect data. MESSENGER has a number of pieces of scientific equipment which includes spectrometers, lasers and a magnetometer. This data collection is due to begin on April 4th, MRHP loves astronomical data and can't wait. 

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