Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tiredy Tot-Stars

We all know how hard life is when you’re on top. The ecstasy of gyrating your hips for a lifetime in the limelight is an illusion and a myth so our beloved pop stars are slowly finding out. The modern day pop star has endless schedules, international flights, tours, tours and more tours and jet lag becomes a way of life. It’s tough for those who bring us entertainment in 2010 and ’11 and it’s showing in their public lives. I’ve noticed a strange pattern seeping into the public eye from our famous counter-parts, exhaustion. It’s a crying shame really, god bless their little souls. They’re falling asleep on set! And the industry big wigs are trying to exploit these sleeping beauties by putting them on their album covers!

Fame is not as glamorous as it used to be and realistically, those baths in champagne and serene chiffon encased nirvanas backstage with ONLY archipelago candles and teddy bears and 12 newly born Labrador puppies, they’re just for the press. Instead the glamazons of pop stardom skulk away to the dark corners of abandoned locker rooms during the intervals of their shows, catching a 5-minute nap on a hard varnished bench next to the dregs of old aromatic jock-straps and skid-marked underpants. It’s an outrage, what these starlets must endure, falling asleep left, right and centre.

This exploitation must stop! Join me in the fight against the exploitation of tired pop-stars. It’s a travesty. It must end.

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