Monday, January 17, 2011

Monkey Head Transplant

In 1979 a surgeon called Robert White attempted to transplant the head of one monkey on to the body of another. Watch the video below and have a think about this procedure. If such pioneering surgery could be effectively carried out on humans, someone perhaps in a car crash, who experiences severe trauma to their entire body save for their head, could have their head transplanted onto a donor body. What would be even more strange is that coupled with cloning, everyone could grow clones of themselves and then when the clone reaches the desired age lets say 25 your head could be transplanted onto the clones body, this cycle could be repeated every ten years. Of course there are neurodegenerative and central nervous system issues that are not being addressed here but essentially you could remain in a youthful body for a lot longer than the current developmental time frame dictates (let's ignore the paralysis for the moment). Even though your face may age, coupling this surgery with face transplants from the more youthful clone, then this issue can also be addressed to some extent. 

It's not the fountain of youth, but those pioneering monkey transplant surgeries may have been taking us closer to some sort of increased longevity. The question is should we thaw out Robert White along with his ideas or do we let ethics get the better of us? You decide. 

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