Friday, January 28, 2011

Egyptian Crisis


As you may by now be aware, Egypt has erupted in an afternoon of protests and violent. Details are sketchy at the moment, but we have received the following rumours from our correspondent in Cairo, Mr L. Ulz.

·      Anti-government protests reached a head when the president Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak announced the government had spent over US$1.5 billion of public finances on a misjudged pyramid scheme.

·      Violence erupted after rumoured use of unprovoked police brutality. Police forces are in denile about the incident.

·      A brief statement issued at a government press conference confirmed that a curfew has been put in place in Cairo and other major Egyptian cities. When queried whether the army were being called in, the spokesperson announced “I sphinx so, but am not certain at this moment in time”.

·      Egyptian women have joined the protest by burning their ras.

More on this cisis as it develops.

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