Thursday, January 13, 2011

eCoupled Self-Cooking Soup and Light-Up Cereal Boxes

Last year I got very excited about wireless charging technology being confirmed as a reality for the domestic market. At the CES show last week the people at Fulton Innovations exposed their adoption of this technology and how they have managed to appropriate this to change not only the way food items are displayed, but also how we interact and engage with these items.

The following video not only demonstrates their wireless charging technology, but also gives us a demonstration of how they have managed to print this coil onto packaging. This is made visible through the light-up Cheerio box that they go on to explain not only lights-up, but offers a whole plethora of interactive possibilities. They give insight into these by explaining that when the product enters the home it can not only achieve this same effect on a similar charging shelf at home, but it also has the capacity to appear on your inventory on either your computer and/or any wireless device. From here you can catalog your items by expiry date and have access to things such as nutritional information.

This technology obviously appears to be ground breaking, lets just hope it doesn't become another site of limitless e-waste.

Alongside their light-up cereal box design, Fulton Innovations also demonstrated their unique self-cooking soup that works with their eCoupled wireless electricity. The aim of this Capbell's soup design is for the user to be able to pull a tab from their soup and press one of three buttons that decides what temperature they want it to be. Then after placing the soup on a eCoupled wireless charging unit their food will quickly begin to cook itself.

Although quite gimmicky, this application of eCoupled technology does find itself hitting on two very futuristic concepts, that if adopted by Supermarkets may just find themselves entering your life as quickly as the microwave managed to become a mainstay in contemporary eating culture. For this reason both the gadget heads and the obese would like to salute the people at Fulton Innovations for making the dream of self-cooking food a reality and for condemning diets to be distracted by flashing lights and app functionality.

Next up is a digital apple by Apple designed for the wealthy and the healthy ;-) :

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