Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Partial Solar Eclipse, Planting Indians, and a UFO

This morning I set my alarm earlier than usual in the hope that I would catch a glimpse of the partial solar eclipse that was occurring above Ireland and much of Europe and North Africa. I had set up my telescope with a solar filter too reduce the illumination of the sun and allow myself to observe it safely, I also fitted a camera to my scope so I could try and capture some impressive photos. Unfortunately when I went outside the sun was shrouded in clouds. I occupied my time by planting a few Indians in the soil that had recently thawed after the big chill we had faced in November and December. My planting had been delayed this year and I was already worried about my harvest. Furthermore, there is an old Indian proverb that says "a child planted under half a sun will grow in half the time".

Anyway as I finished my planting I noticed the day began to brighten swiftly and the sun that now floated majestically over the horizon had shook off it's duvet of clouds. The sun was now ready for the day, all it needed now was it's circle to be complete and the moon to get out of the way. I quickly grabbed my scope and began to gaze at this beautiful event of chance and precision. Then without warning a strange object appeared from the the darkness of the eclipse. It came from the the circumference of the moon that was encroaching on the sun. I thought it was just Baily's beads, but this was something else. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the suns light was still too bright so I powered up my X-ray telescope to try and get a better look. Below is an unaltered, un-doctored image of what I saw, you can decide for yourself what it is but I have made up my mind. 

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