Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eat + Sleep + Brush Teeth = Math

What on earth was Time magazine thinking when they adopted the role of pseudo investigators linking mental illness and massacre? Doing this with such simplicity and naivety as to be shocking and sensationalist for such a Big Time periodical. It’s like using a calculator from the 1960's as opposed to a team of savvy agents and sexy forensic side-kicks. Stumbling across the article I thought I might have mistaken the report as a skit off Saturday Night Live. Here are the warning cues described by Time magazine so you can watch out for another Loughner.

Here is a list of so called warning signs for Loughner a student whom recently shot a     bunch of people in a supermarket, I find it hilarious:

1. For months, he showed a classic symptom of psychosis: disorganized thoughts and   speech. He routinely   made irrelevant and nonsensical comments in classes. On one test according to the Washington Post, he wrote, "Eat + Sleep + Brush Teeth = Math." On another test, he wrote, "Mayhem Fest!!!"

2. He showed another symptom of psychosis, or at the very least, an inability to function in social situations.  One example from the New York Times: he enthusiastically read a poem in class in which he discussed touching himself in the shower.

3. He showed signs of paranoia, telling a classmate that U.S. currency was worthless     and that the government was seeking to control people through grammar. He also         became interested in a concept he called "conscious dreaming" (a concept at the heart   of the mind-bending thriller Inception).

Haha and also 'In retrospect, it's easy to see the evidence that Tucson, Ariz., shooter    Jared Loughner was    mentally unstable. In his community-college classes, he would     laugh randomly and loudly at nonevents. He    would clench his fists and regularly pose   strange, nonsensical questions to teachers and fellow students. "A lot of people didn't    feel safe around him," a former classmate told Fox News.' hahahahahaha how many     people  can you say that about, more than twenty off the top of my head!

Everything that the article describes as outlines of warning signs, would be one out of every second person, that is to say 50 percent of people have a mental illness. Really? This article is going to prevent the next massacre...Not. There's more chance of Eat+Sleep+Brush Teeth=Maths becoming a popular T-shirt slogan for youths. Time Magazine+Math=Sleeping.

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