Saturday, December 25, 2010

Different types of Santa Claus

We are all familiar with Santa Claus or Father Christmas. This is the guy that squeezes down a chimney, rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer and delivers presents all around the world, in particular Ireland, the UK and the US amongst many others. However, Santa Claus has many transformations and molds around the world. Let's go through a few of these. 

In the Netherlands Sinterklaas and Schwarz Pete arrive by boat on the evening of the 5th of December, children leave a wooden shoe filled with hay and carrots for the donkey which carries St. Nicholas' pack of toys. The good children get gifts. On the 6th of December St. Nicholas arrives in eastern Europe, the night before children leave a boot on the window and if the have been good it is filled with treats and if they are bad coal and onions. In Germany on  Christmas Eve whilst the family is out at mass the Christkind arrives with presents. In Australia Santa Claus wears a red bathing suit and rides along on water skis. In China Dun Che Lao Ren is on old man who arrives on Christmas and gives children gifts. 

In Sweden Juletomten a gnome that is pulled on sleigh by goats delivers presents to the children. In France Pere Noel brings the gifts for children. In Switzerland it is the Christkindl who is an angel that comes from heaven to deliver gifts. In Italy the kids have to wait for a witch called La Befana to arrive on the 6th of January with gifts, she too goes down the chimney, except she flies around on a broomstick and seems to have been reinvented recently, probably a decision made by the incumbent Italian Prime-minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Children in Spain, Mexico and South America also have to wait until the 6th of January for the three wise men to arrive bearing gifts, children leave shoes at the door for them to fill. Things have advanced from frankincense and myrrh. And finally what about the real Santa Claus, what is he up to now? I read a recent report that because Christmas had become so commercial and all meaning was lost (for most people) along time ago, Santa Claus gave up the sleigh and now runs ultra-marathons around the world. Good luck to you Santa Claus and Merry Christmas to all from MRHP!!

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