Hate getting out of your car and getting static electrical shocks, well now you don't have to. Just follow the link below and find out don't worry it is a safe link.
A Japanese company by the name of Neurowear has created a new fashion item. It is a novelty hair band that is shaped like cat ears. These cat ears are called "necomimi" according to wired.co.uk it "features sensors that pick up on brain signals and convert them into visible actions -- in this case by wiggling the cat ears."
Who knows maybe in the future they will try develop these applications of technology for the disabled etc to improve their communicative abilities. Here is an advertisement for the necomimi which is cat+ears in English.
A recent study carried out by researchers at the University of South Florida have found that a yet unknown component of coffee interacting with caffeine can have neuroprotective qualities. Previous studies had already shown that daily in-take of coffee in mid-life and in old age can prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and this was attributed to caffeine. However, researchers who have engineered rats to develop Alzheimer's disease and have found in those who drink coffee an important growth factor which decreases in people with the condition actually increases in those with caffeine in their diet. The growth factor called granuloycte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) appears to be be stimulated into production. The amount of coffee however, believed to be required to protect humans from Alzheimer's disease is 4-5 cups a day, far above the national average 1.5-2 cups a day. It is hoped that understanding the mechanism that produces the GCSF might allow for production of a drug to stimulate it in the same way as caffeine.
Krokodil, meaning crocodile is a drug running amok in Russia. It is a cheap and devastating alternative to the opiates that came before it. It is a drug that has come out of a dormant existence to a frenzied endemic within less than half a decade. It is way more potent than heroin and way cheaper too. Heroin costs roughly between from 25 euro to 70 euro per dose, the desomorphine that is "cooked" from codeine painkillers cost as little as 2 euro per pack. To produce the desomorphine (the medical name of Krokodil) all you have to do is mix the codeine from painkillers with paint thinner, iodine, red phosphorous (scraped from striking pads on matchboxes), hydrochloric acid, and gasoline.
As these images testify, the drug can be disfiguring, even escaping it will leave lifelong scars. When it is injected there a multiple consequences. As the crocodile nickname suggests, the skin of the addict becomes a gangrenous green and scaly. Gangrene and amputations occur then, porous bone tissues suffer in places such as the the lower jaw, creating a vacuum, as they are eaten up by the substances acidity.
Life expectancy is 2-3 years for those addicted to it. A Dr Yegorov spoke about the distinct, pungent smell of Krokodil users "It's that smell of iodine that infuses all their clothes...There's no way to wash it out, all you can do is burn the clothes. Any flat that has been used as a krokodil cooking house is best forgotten about as a place to live. You'll never get that smell out of the flat."
Greedy and evil pharmaceutical companies realizing that they are selling a fuck load of painkiller lobbied the government to veto making codeine painkillers proscription based. Zhenya who knows his shit, explains how the cheapness of krokodil means literally everyone is using instead of heroin, "You can feel how disgusting it is when you're doing it. You're dreaming of heroin, of something that feels clean and not like poison. But you can't afford it, so you keep doing the krokodil. Until you die."
I will leave you with one last video. I warn you, do not watch this if you do not want to see more of the horrors shown in the photographs earlier of the drug's victims.
Alexandria ,your wifes fiance, told us that you have several probs with your little johnny... Sugar Daddy, this is 21st century, come on! use thesehttp://go.qb.by/1f2b1 march on! Make her happy, fcuk her deep! Cathy
For all of you out there who are eagerly anticipating Peter Jackson's adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit, here are a few pics of Martin Freeman as the Bilbo Baggins. The first installment of the Hobbit is due for release this December.
Greetings, I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to starting a relationship but I believe knowing each other starts from a step of which I believe I am not making a mistake exposing this very important business deal to you. Firstly, let me introduce myself without any intention of equivocation, I am Mr. Suhaili Bin Hassan, a 57 years old Malaysian Citizen. The purpose of my contacting you is because my status would not permit me to do this alone. Can I trust you to do business of US$16.2 Million United State Dollars? I know this may sound like a scam, as plenty dubious activities are taking place over the internet today. I assure you that this is authentic and legitimate. A deceased client of mine, who hereinafter shall be referred to as my client, died as a result of a heart-related conditions. I have contacted you to assist me in distributing the money left behind by my client before it is confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank, who is holding this deposit valued at Sixteen Million Two Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. ($16,200,000.00 USD). The bank has issued a notice to contact the next-of-kin, in the case where no next-of-kin is provided, the account will be confiscated. Please contact me at once to indicate your interest. Treat this case with absolute confidentiality and sincerity. I look forward to your quick response.
Suhaili Bin Hassan
Attorney at Law
Well after the owls started appearing and the countdown clocks started, fans all over the world rejoiced in the possibility of another Harry Potter novel. Instead they were met with some kind of interactive online reading site (coming this October). The following clip is of JK Rowling's announcement of the Pottermore site. All of us here at MRHP try our best to enjoy each and every anti-climax that life offers us. So why not watch the announcement and if you care about the series at all, wait and enjoy the feeling of all your hopes and dreams slip away. Owl...
We all know that the Bible is just a glorified children's colouring-book that got out of hand, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, took a couple of old fables and married them with the extrapolated imagination of burning bushes, virgin mothers and infinite fish and bread. The point that I am really driving at here is that the Bible is full of nonsense, a couple of lads wrote it, it's full of contradictions and it's full of concepts and crimes that many Christians today choose to omit. Here is a good one:
'Deuteronomy 23:2 says: A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the lord.'
So Bastards are exempt from the church for a couple of generations seems logical, so why didn't they keep this little saying.
"You Ethiopians will also be slaughtered by my sword," says the LORD.
Personally I think that one is a little harsh on Ethiopians, they do have some very good long distance runners.
'You must destroy all the nations the LORD your God hands over to you. Show them no mercy and do not worship their gods."
Also this one is a little bit much, seems to be a lot of excessive killing, even genocide being ordered in the bible.
(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
That book of Deuteronomy is pretty bad, rape doesn't even appear to be a crime against the woman but more against a man's property.
When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)
Thank the flying spaghetti monster they coped on here, I don't want them still upholding this garbage.
Finally, I will paraphrase this one, in Book 1 Genesis, God said, on the first day let there be light, on the fourth day he created the sun and the stars. Any questions? Where was the light coming from the first day. Ughhh!! I give up.
Cut steak into thin strips. In a large skillet (oven-proof, if desired), brown meat in oil, using high heat. Add onions. Saute until tender crisp. Blend soup, sherry, liquid from mushrooms, and garlic salt. Pour over steak. Add mushrooms. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 1 hour or until steak is tender. (Or cover and bake at 350 degrees.) Serve over beds of fluffy rice. Makes 6 servings.
Braised Bear Steak
Older bear meat can be prepared as follows:
Salt and pepper
1 cup sliced onions
4 tbsp. bacon fat
Bear steak, 3" thick
1 1/2 cups broth
1 cup red wine
2 tbsp. tomato paste
Pound the flour and dry seasonings into the steak with the edge of a plate or a meat pounder. Brown the onions in the bacon fat and add the meat. Brown meat well on all sides. Add part of the broth and wine and bring to a boil. Cook briskly for 5 minutes. Turn steak, reduce heat, and cover the pan. Simmer for 1-1 1/2 hours, adding more liquid if necessary. When steak is tender, remove it to a hot platter. Add the tomato paste and additional liquid, if needed, to the pan juices to make a smooth sauce. Taste for seasoning and pour over the steak. Surround with boiled potatoes, garnish with parsley, and serve with sauteed mushrooms.
Bear Meat Balls
2 lbs. ground bear meat
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup bread crumbs
2 tbsp. milk
Mix. Form into balls. Brown in oil in frying pan. Add 2 tbsp. flour and water to make gravy and simmer for 1 hour.
7- Charlize Theron deserves kudos for innovative methods of smoking the green stuff, as she lights up in an apple, yum yum, and I don't just mean Charlize!
6- Who is the man? Bill Murray is the man! He exudes super cool, he plays several marijuana smokers in his films such as Caddyshack, Where The Buffalo Roam, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic with Steven Zissou and Broken Flowers to name but a few. In Caddyshack Bill Murray says "This is s hybrid. This is a cross between Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent and Northern California Sinsimilla. The amazing thing about this stuff is you can play holes on it in the afternoon, take it home, and just get stoned to the bejeezus at night on this stuff. I've got pounds of this stuff." Murray was done for "adultery, addiction to marijuana and alcohol, abusive behavior, physical abuse, sexual addictions and frequent abandonment" in a 2008 divorce, rock on Bill Murray rock on!
5- Zach Galifianakis is the stand out funny man of this generation, according to Rolling Stone magazine "he and marijuana go way back. When he lived in Vancouver a decade ago, he had a girlfriend named Watermelon who sold pot cookies on the beach." In the video above he lights up live in a studio debate on California's Proposition 19 vote on whether to legalize, tax and regulate cannabis. If smoking pot brought us the comedic genius of Zach then God Bless Pot!
4- Macaulay Culkin the star of Home Alone has grown up in um in a less than conventional manner, he was arrested back in 2004 for possession of 17.3g of marijuana and two controlled substances, 16.5 mg of Alprazolam and 32 mg of Clonazepam. He said "I made sure I tried everything once, except when it comes to needles...I don't fuck around. I did some E, and I'm thinking, 'This is great. I'm always like this, happy and full of joy.' But once it's run its course, you just want more happy pills. So I see why it's illegal. But there's nothing wrong with smoking some dope every once in a while."
3- Johnny Depp has made no secret of his admiration of Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, who indulges in everything except death. And he was also great friends with the great writer and drug mammoth Hunter S Thomas. Johnny Depp also had much wisdom like the white shaman of a Native Indian tribe when it comes to parental advice. He told GQ magazine "Depp said that if they choose to try marijuana when they are older, he'd rather be their supplier, because with street pot you don't know if you're getting buds 'laced with P*P.'"
2-Kristen Stewart is the starlet of In the Land of Women (2007), The Messengers (2007), Adventureland (2009) and The Runaways (2010).She is best known for her role as Bella Swan in the Twilight trilogy,yet when she smokes the funny stuff, she really goes all out, as you can tell from these photographs, she could easily be mistaken for a knacker at the edge of an estate.
1-Whose that, no it cannot be! Yes it is, it is President Barack Obama at number one! Who better to endorse marijuana than the president of the United States! And here is a video of Obama telling it how it is!
Welcome to Russia, which fails time and time again to escape its totalitarian inheritance. It can be seen in the attitudes of the security at a football game in the top league in Russia which is called the SOGAZ Russian Football Championship.
The leading scorer of this league is Danko Lazovic, who has previously played in Europe for Dutch side PSV and the Aryan forces of Bayer Leverkusen. He has been capped 43 times for his home country Serbia, and Russians are notorious for their racism of all things none Russian as this video testifies as a seventeen year girl smoking says "I dont want my children to be the slaves of those blackarse bastards."
According to the Moscow reporter for The Times of India " Russia probed its police on Monday after the national league's leading striker accused a crack security officer of zapping him with a stun gun at the end of a heated weekend match.
This season's top scorer Danko Lazovic -- a Serbian national team player who has netted nine goals in 14 games for Zenit Saint Petersburg -- complained of being attacked following his side's 2-0 away win at Volga Nizhny Novgorod.
The incident came as Russia ponders ways to improve notoriously lax security at its stadiums before it hosts the 2018 World Cup and represented the second compliant of violence by a foreign player this year.
Lazovic told his team's website he suspects the riot policeman may have mixed him up with a Zenit supporter because the incident happened after he had already stripped of his shirt.
The player walked away from the altercation -- which occurred while rival fan groups were hurling various objects and verbal abuse at each other from neighbouring stadium sections -- rubbing his side.
Russian football has taken repeated blows to its reputation because of at-times deadly match violence and match-fixing allegations involving all the top leagues.
Both the Kremlin and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin -- who was instrumental in beating out England for the right to host the 2018 event -- have vowed to improve the sport's image through thorough investigations of all misbehaviour.
Saturday's incident came three months after a Montenegrin player complained to FIFA and UEFA that his Kuban Krasnodar club violently coerced him into breaking a contract under threat of leaving him damaged for life. "
At the early hours of this morning Jackass star was killed in a car accident. The twitpic above is the last image of him alive, he posted it just hours before the accident. All of us here at MRHP are going to go out and do something mad in memory of Ryan. In the meantime it is worth remembering that when you live hard you die fast, but fuck it he had a good journey. In memory of Ryan we have chosen some of his best Jackass clips to morn his lose. HUH!!!
The very first Danger Wank would have taken place with the ancient Sigiriya populous. As attested by this ancient cave painting of a women having a 'Danger Wank'. But what is a 'Danger Wank' I hear you say? And how do I do it? Well we will get to that but first the "Danger Wank" according to the official high priests of the Urban Dictionary is 'The act of extreme masturbation. You must "knock one out" whilst in close proximity to any of the following; Your mum, a nun, your boss, a member of parliament, George Michael. A person with capabilities to act upon catching you mid self-abuse obvisouly ups the ante. Ejaculation must be reached before your danger wank target comes (no pun intended) to investigate. The higher the chances of being discovered with one's pants down, pulling one's war face is obviously where the danger comes from. The more danger involved the harder (or softer) it is to complete the task in hand (snigger). The more dangerous the better. The chance of being arrested, pummeled by an angry father or having your hand severed by an arab's sabre means that you are a pro "Danger wanker."
"I was in my bedroom and i shouted downstairs, "Mum there's call the police there's a madman with a set of steak knives hacking me to pieces!" As soon as I heard her scream, I dropped my trousers and commenced the danger wank. As I heard her stomp up the stairs I knew i had to be quick so i upped the pace, i heard her stumble on the top step, which bought me some time. Unfortunately for me I timed my finish badly. As my mum barged through the door armed with a rollign pin I chugged all over her. I spent the evening in A&E with concusion. Now thats what i call extreme DW"
Here are some locations and situations to attempt a 'Danger Wank':
Back of a van while back door is open on a motorway
Whilst playing extreme Frisbee
On an lift between floors
Whilst your mum is about to put fresh laundry into your room
Whilst your boyfriend/girlfriend is asleep beside you in bed
On a roller-coaster
Dangling on a rope on a cliff
In your dad's shed when he is teaching you DIY
Underneath a traveler or gypsy's caravan
At a red light
During a conference
At cinema with your girlfriend or boyfriend
During an exam
While driving a car full of people
At a wedding (especially if you are the groom, bride, priest etc.)
At a library
In a confession booth
While serving someone at work
On the corner when Omar is gunning for you
After researching a few forums, I found this account of a man whose addiction to the 'Danger Wank' is ruining his life:
by stuzel » Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:44 pm
I'm also new here but not new to sex addiction recovery. I am in recovery for 17 months from obsessive compulsive marathon masturbation, porn (BIG internet addict), affairs, escorts, exhibitionism, voyeurism, cocaine and other stimulants.
The sex addiction is the toughest...not the drugs. I've been sober from cocaine for the full 17 months but not from the sex addiction. I'm now gaining sobriety from sex addiction albeit only 74 days but for the first time I do not feel the compulsion to masturbate at all. Yeah, the thoughts come but they quickly leave and the compulsion never develops.
I have also masturbated in public including in cars, airplanes and women's rooms (I am male). Well, I got arrested in the women's room at my college albeit 28 years ago. That got me to quit the women's room thing.
What has worked for me is a combination of individual therapy, group therapy, and sexaholics anonymous meetings (12-step: www.sa.org). I've also been in inpatient and intensive outpatient programs.
On the same forum I also found this gem:
by bigdeal_1 » Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:57 am
I sure hope that you seek help soon. Especially with the 'car masterbation' issue.
Please don't get this the wrong way. I am usually on these forums because I like helping people and also because I get help myself for many issues. But I have to let you know that your post was a trigger to me, because I just had a flashback of one time when I was riding in the school bus and on a redlight, I was looking out the window on the right side of the bus and I saw a man in his car very close to the bus and he was masterbating. I was only 8 years old and I had absolutely no clue what he was doing. I kept starting at him to figure out what that long, skinned-colored thing was between his legs that he was moving his hand up and down to. As I was looking at his body I decided to look at his face and there he was looking at me!! I had no idea what it was but I felt freaked out about it for a long time. When the light turned green, he took off real quick so I saw the make and model and color of his car and memorized it forever.
I blocked out the incident until many years and years later when I was an adult and something triggered the flashback. I came to terms with it eventually.
Now, this post reminded me of it again when stuzel mentioned
Note that if you are seen by a minor child (for example in the car next to you), ...........
Please don't think I am being judgemental, and good luck to you.
Here we have some rare footage of the first-person combat mechanics tested in one beta stage of Twilight Princess circa 2005/2006. The little there is starts at 1:40. At the time, Aonuma said first-person fighting was too disorienting for the player. Guess that's why he stuck to third-person for Twilight Princess and the upcoming Skyward Sword (barring any revisions given it's not released yet). There's also some Phantom Hourglass beta footage as well.
If we travel to South Africa we will find more than 90 percent of the world's rhino population.
The northern white rhino is an endangered mega-vertebrate on earth more so than any other mega-vertebrate. They almost went extinct in the 19th century, with at one point only 20 remaining. Some Rhino facts from the basket of http://www.outtoafrica.nl/
Swahili Name:
Scientific Name:
Black (Diceros bicornis), white (Ceratotherium simum)
About 60 inches at the shoulder
1 to 11/2 tons (black rhino), over 2 tons (white rhino)
35 to 40 years
Grassland and open savannas
16 months
In China rhino's horn are believed to be essential for Chinese herbal medicines, of course in the West many test have shown it has no medical benefit whateverso. Ounce for ounce, rhino horns are worth more than gold, which has lead to the worst poaching of African rhinos in decades. Here is a photo of Horn Febrifugal tablets:
The gaming provocateur Athene stated that his mom wanted him to post this. It sounds like it came directly from his mouth, except for the part where she stutters over the pronunciation of EA and the weathered old-woman's voice. In the ears of gaming grumps I declare this as an official WIN.
Anyone trying to get to /b/ today will be met with a strange song that is clearly a musical ode to the passing of /b/. Obviously a hack attack on 4chan it is worth checking out before it disappears. Link to the old /b/ is here:
When clicking into the site the following text is now below the title of the blog.
/b/ has changed.
it's no longer about original content, epic GETs, and win
it's an endless series of reposts, perpetuated by newfags and trolls
fail - and its consumption of /b/, has become an unstoppable cancer.
/b/ has changed.
This is Ayman al-Zawahiri, he was Bin Laden's number 2 although he had a contentious relationship with Bin Laden on a regular basis over various issues. Hothaifa Abdullah Azzam, a Jordanian cleric revealed to Time magazine in 2006 that al-Zawahiri and his cronies were"isolating bin Laden with the excuse of protecting him." and also mentioned that "Nobody I met liked al-Zawahiri, but he is the guy moving things." It's his sharp tongue, lack of combat experience and arrogance which puts him at odds with many of the foot soldiers and senior leaders. This could go either way leading to internal dissonance or augmentative discipline within the ranks of Al-Quaeda in the future.
Some information about him; he is a doctor and comes from a long line of Egyptian doctors and scholars, although you wouldn't know of any intellectual linage from his racist remarks after Obama got elected back in 2008 when he called Obama a "house negro,". His wife and two children were killed by an American air attack, so he has a major vendetta again America. He is known as the 'Shadow Leader'. As contestant number one how will he fare? Only time will tell, in the space of time that Bin Laden released one single video, he made no less then twenty two, so expect plenty of rants and sexy bombs...
This little piece is so gripping and catchy you will struggle not to watch it, so get up throw on some spandex, lift some weights and gyrate like He-Man, Skeletor and Beastman.
In the 1950s, when Werner Herzog was 13, he was sharing an apartment with Klaus Kinski, an ego-maniacal live-wire. In an unabated, 48 hour fit of rage, Kinski destroyed every piece of furniture in sight. From this chaos, a beautiful albeit volatile partnership was born. In 1972, Herzog cast Kinski in Aguirre, The Wrath of God. Four more films would follow. In this personal documentary, Herzog traces the often violent up and downs of their relationship, revisiting Munich apartment where they first met - and thrashed, and the various locations of their films.
To incite debate from this compelling animation, here is a full article from New Scientist on a similar theme of 'free will' rehashed:
"REDEFINE the concept of free will? Only a Nobel laureate would have the nerve. "Last year, the Dutch physicist Gerard 't Hooft announced that the weird effects that spring from quantum mechanics arise from a deeper deterministic reality based on classical physics. People objected that his theory appeared to rob us of free will, and now 't Hooft has responded by moving the goalposts. No, we don't have free will as it is commonly understood, he says - but that's because the way it is commonly understood is wrong.
't Hooft, of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, shared a Nobel prize in 1999 for laying the mathematical foundations for the standard model of particle physics. Like Einstein, he was troubled by the indeterminism at the heart of quantum mechanics, according to which particles do not have clearly defined properties before you measure them, and you can never predict with certainty what the outcome of your measurements will be. So 't Hooft constructed a deterministic alternative which showed that fundamental states which exist on the smallest scales do start out with clearly defined properties. Information about these states gets blurred over time, until we are no longer able to tell how they initially arose - leading to their apparently probabilistic quantum nature, he says.
However, mathematicians John Conway and Simon Kochen at Princeton University showed that if 't Hooft's theory is true, then people's ability to make instantaneous, unpredictable choices on a whim is similarly constrained - we don't have free will" (New Scientist, 4 May 2006, p 8).
The revelation has been a stumbling block for his theory, 't Hooft admits. "It's not the mathematics that loses other physicists," he says. "It's this metaphysical worry about free will. Why worry at all about a notion so flimsy as 'free will' in a theory of physics?"
Imagine you are holding a cup of coffee. "I can't change my mind in an instant about whether to drink the coffee or hurl it across the room. My decision must have roots in brain processes that occurred in the past," he says. "What's important is that I have freedom to calculate what happens if I throw my coffee cup. Equally, I have the freedom to calculate the effects after I drink from my cup." What we lack is the freedom to instantaneously switch between which of these initial states we start from. 't Hooft calls his new formulation the "unconstrained initial conditions postulate".
Hans Halvorson, a philosopher of physics also at Princeton University, agrees that our ideas of free will need to be revised. "It's likely that our naive gut reaction about what free will is may need to be radically rewritten in just such a way, if we really want to consider what's happening at the deepest levels," he says.
Conway and Kochen say a deterministic theory denies us the freedom to choose what to measure about a particle's characteristics. The only way 't Hooft's theory matches experimental results, they say, is if nature is conspiring to prevent physicists measuring certain characteristics of a quantum particle by changing its properties at the same moment that they decide what to measure.
't Hooft sees nothing mysterious about this. Any decision about what to measure must have been influenced by environmental factors in your recent past, and it will take time to enact your choice as you modify your measuring apparatus. It's safe to assume that in this time, the particle you plan to measure will also be influenced by these environmental factors - a disruption that accounts for nature's ability to tweak what you are able to measure, he says.
However, Antoine Suarez, a physicist at the Center for Quantum Philosophy in Zurich, Switzerland, remains troubled. "If 't Hooft is really correct, then the work for which he is famed was not carried out as a result of his free will. Rather, he was destined to do it from the beginning of time," he says. "In that case, maybe his Nobel prize should rightfully have been presented to the big bang instead."
Suarez has performed an experiment that he claims proves 't Hooft wrong. 't Hooft's deterministic theory and his redefinition of free will rely on fundamental states obeying causal laws, so that a chain of events can be calculated precisely, given the starting conditions. By bringing the effects of special relativity into play in a standard entanglement experiment, Suarez and his colleagues were able to check how time flow interacts with the quantum world (see "Effects without causes"). "We tested the very concept of time," says Suarez.
The result was a resounding success for quantum mechanics, says Suarez. His team showed that the well-behaved time-ordering 't Hooft needs simply doesn't exist: there is no causality at a deep level. Suarez is submitting his paper to Foundations of Physics, a journal that is edited by 't Hooft. "I think it will spark an interesting debate," Suarez says.
't Hooft is ready to meet that challenge. Although his theory cannot yet explain the results, he is confident that it will eventually do so. "After all, we know that quantum mechanics produces eccentric results," he says. "That's exactly why I am looking for an alternative."
Effects without causes
To test 't Hooft's deterministic theory, Antoine Suarez at the Center for Quantum Philosophy in Zurich, Switzerland, and his colleagues performed an entanglement experiment with a relativistic twist.
Entangled particles are inextricably intertwined, so that making a measurement on one instantaneously affects its partner. In standard experiments, two entangled photons, A and B, follow different paths until they come to a beam splitter, which allows the photon to follow either a longer path or a shorter one to continue its journey (see Diagram). In every case, A and B make the same choice, proving they are entangled.
A deterministic theory can explain the result if A hitting the beam splitter somehow affects the environment of B, encouraging B to take the corresponding path - a straightforward causal link. To test this, the team exploited an effect of special relativity, which causes two events to appear to occur in a different order to different observers if those observers are moving relative to one another.
Suarez's set-up uses a pair of beam splitters that are moving apart. An observer sitting at the first beam splitter, BS1, would observe photon A hitting BS1 - and making its path choice - before photon B hit BS2. An observer sitting at BS2, would see the reverse - that photon B made its choice before A (www.arxiv.org/abs/0705.3974).
If a deterministic theory such as 't Hooft's is correct, any entanglement should disappear. This is because it is not possible for either photon to "tip off" its partner about its choice before its partner chooses its own path, since both photons are making their choices both before and after their partner, depending on which beam splitter you observe from. Yet the team continued to observe entanglement. "Quantum mechanics beat both time and 't Hooft," says Suarez."
This is perhaps the most abstract art piece in the world. Artist Hu Cares from China created this piece in May 2010, it took over six weeks to make but he claims the ideological and cultural barriers it transcends made the time and effort he spent on it all the more satisfying. Hu's inspiration came from his close friend Idan Givadam, who said to him one day that the colour grey was undervalued and was not used enough in art. The piece below is for your enjoyment courtesy of Hu. Enjoy
Forty-foot-long woven installation created using ribbon stripped from over 300 cassettes including music my Michael Jackson, David Bowie, and the Bee Gees.
Every year teens who want to get get a quick and free high, choke each other or themselves. Death and permanent brain damage is a common outcome among them. Just youtube 'choking game' and you'll find thousands of youtube video's with people choking each other, predominantly Americans.
What are the options for the government to act on this? Clearly if these teens were given drugs at a young enough age they would not resort to this choking. Supervised drug use is recommended by scientists at Oregone University .So next time you see a kid that looks like he is going to try choke himself, hand him a bag of drugs before it's too late. Save the children, give them drugs.
If you wish to play the choking game you should know the science behind it "In simple words, it involves temporarily blocking breath and not allowing oxygen to reach the brain. This in turn simulates many inner reactions in the body which also gives an euphoric sensation. Somehow a feeling (short duration) of near death." Good luck and have fun. Remember if someone doesn't want to play it with you, you can can always play it with yourself! If you are looking for a reason to do it, there is a college myth that says it removes acne...Go on give it a try...
This calm and composed man is artist Zhu Yu, who got his hands on some aborted fetuses, went and cooked and ate the fetus for a series he called 'Eating People'. He has related his performance to his Christian faith, 'Jesus is always related It death, blood, wounds, etc.'This kind of art has been tagged 'Shock Art' an extreme form of art that is embraced in China, where revolution is bubbling up.
When the photographs originally surfaced and even appeared on a Channel 4 documentary about modern Chinese art, there were doubts if the photographs were real, turns out they were! Channel 4 got in trouble for a a "lack of respect for human dignity" for broadcasting the image of Yu eating a fetus. Channel 4 hit back by saying that the image was acceptable in that it remitted to"take on challenging subjects and explore cultural boundaries".
Is it a hoax or is it not, at a mere 23 inches Junrey Balawing has been given the title of the world's smallest man by the Guinness World Records. Have a look for yourself, 18 year old man or a small baby?
Al-Sayed al-Essawy is a 25-year-old Egyptian man. He will fight an African lion at the Great Pyramid of Giza. Egyptian paper Al Masry Al Youm released these from him: “the world will flock to see the Egyptian man who defeated a lion with his bare hands. After the revolution, with the economy the way it is, I've been given the perfect opportunity to realize my dream....I discovered my incredible strength at the age of 13, and, almost immediately afterwards, promised myself that, one of these days, I would fight a lion. If America, or any other country, had a man with the ability to combat the strongest creature on the planet, they would properly promote him, and use his strength to their advantage."
The man has a knack for comedy too, as he pointed out that he is fighting dogs to prepare for the lion. And Adam Sandler owns a superb pair of Christopher Michael Shellis sandals. Al-Sayed also has a knack of pissing off animal right activists:
Al-Masry: So, you’re not going to kill the lion?
Essawy: No. Unless it’s a matter of life or death, in which case I will be forced to kill it.
Al-Masry: When is fighting a lion not a matter of life or death?
Essawy: It’s up to the lion. If he chooses to withdraw, or surrender, and lets me tie him up, then I will not kill him and the fight will end. But, like I said, if it comes down to either me or him, I will have to kill him. But I don’t want to kill the lion, nor am I planning on it. I want to make that clear.
The entire interview with the Egyptian Arnold Schwarzenegger can be found here http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/465580
There are an estimated 6900 languages in the world, most of these languages are spoken than fewer than 1000 people. It is also estimated that every week a language is becoming extinct.
Reporter: How would you describe the win over Chesterfield?
Holloway: To put it in gentleman's terms if you've been out for a night and you're looking for a young lady and you pull one, some weeks they're good looking and some weeks they're not the best.
'Our performance today would have been not the best looking bird but at least we got her in the taxi. She weren't the best looking lady we ended up taking home but she was very pleasant and very nice, so thanks very much, let's have a coffee.
'I don't see the problem with footballers taking their shirts off after scoring a goal. They enjoy it and the young ladies enjoy it too. I suppose that’s one of the main reasons women come to football games, to see the young men take their shirts off. Of course they'd have to go and watch another game because my lads are as ugly as sin.'
On the rule restricting footballers from removing their shirts during a match
Reporter: How’s Aljofree’s injury?
Holloway: Hasney's bust his hooter. He can smell round corners now.
'If you're a burglar, it's no good poncing about outside somebody's house, looking good with your swag bag ready. Just get in there, burgle them and come out. I don't advocate that obviously, it's just an analogy.'
Holloway's attacking strategy gets an airing.
'I have such bad luck at the moment that if I fell in a barrel of boobs I'd come out sucking my thumb.'
'We might as well go back to being cavemen, grab our girl by the hair, drag her into the cave whether she wants to come in or not because we may as well live in that age. We've come forward, haven't we?
Blackpool boss Ian Holloway makes the case for video technology.
'It was lucky that the linesman wasn't stood in front of me as I would have poked him with a stick to make sure he was awake.'
Holloway's opinion of an assistant's performance.
'I couldn't be more chuffed if I were a badger at the start of the mating season.'
Holloway after QPR beat Cardiff
Holloway on veteran striker Paul Furlong 'Paul Furlong is my vintage Rolls Royce and he cost me nothing. We polish him, look after him, and I have him fine tuned by my mechanics. We take good care of him because we have to drive him every day, not just save him for weddings.'
Holloway after Joey Barton mooned Everton fans 'It was a bit cheeky wasn’t it? But I don’t think it was that bad. It would have been worse if he’d turned round and dropped the front of his shorts instead. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a couple of butt cheeks personally. (…) If anybody’s offended by seeing a backside, get real. Maybe they’re just jealous that he’s got a real nice tight one, with no cellulite or anything.'
Holloway talks about QPR's finances 'It’s like the film Men in Black. I walk around in a black suit, white shirt and black tie where I’ve had to flash my white light every now and again to erase some memories, but I feel we’ve got hold of the galaxy now. It’s in our hands.'
Holloway talks about Cristiano Ronaldo 'He’s six foot something, fit as a flea, good looking – he’s got to have something wrong with him. Hopefully he’s hung like a hamster – That would make us all feel better. Having said that, me missus has got a pet hamster at home, and his cock’s massive.”