Friday, May 6, 2011

Simple Fact: When will the universe end?

No one really knows the answer to this, the universe is approximately 14 billion years old. The big crunch used to be a theory that was tossed about where at some point the universe would collapse back in on itself. However, the latest theory claims that the universe will expand forever, at the moment the universe can maintain life stars and planets, but in about sextillion years (1 with 21 zeros after it) all that will be in the universe will be black holes. Eventually after one-googol-one-octillion years (thats roughly 1 with 148 zeros after it) the universe will have expanded so much that all that will be left is dark energy and the only thing that will stop the entire universe from being completely uniform will be random fluctuations in the dark energy. Now you might ask what will happen after this well the theory can go one of two ways the universe will keep expanding infinitely or through some unknown process another big bang could occur creating another universe. My advise for now is don't set your alarm yet or you'll be waiting a while. 

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