Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pig Politicians and Lizard Leaders

Have you every wondered why many politicians and world leaders all behave in a very similar way, many of them look the same, talk the same, act the same, and even lead the same. There is however a subtle dichotomy between the world leaders in that some are more mammalian than others and the rest take on a more reptilian form. Most people are well aware of the following image, you would have probably seen it on Christmas day on Skynews when the Queen was making her annual speech or you would have seen it at later stage. Several minutes before the Queen was to deliver her speech and was in the middle of putting her make-up on, a cheeky photographer pushed the door open and took a snap. 

The image is both simultaneously grotesque and beautiful, capturing a lie and the truth, life and death whilst also highlighted the blind control many of these leaders have over society. Yesterday was the first day that the new Taoiseach Enda Kenny took office and he too was caught by an opportunistic photographic. Whilst the President Mary MacAleese  awarded him the seal of office his mask slipped momentarily and the follow image was captured. 

His true reptilian form was exposed but most people blinded by their faith in these leaders simply fobbed it off as a blotch on the camera lens, take a close look for yourself and make up your own mind. Now with Enda Kenny in power and the Queen to make a state visit to Ireland in the coming months has their been a shift of power and are the reptiles about to take full control. You will remember that I spoke of a dichotomy earlier, well the yin to the lizards yang is none other than the pig. Whilst most politicians are slimy and scaly the others are greedy and fat, bloated by the years of apple and corruption pie that they had gorged upon. MRHP spoke to the biggest pig of them all Brian Cowen and ask him did he believe that the reptiles would now dominant the Irish political scene for years to come.

Unfortunately, he was to busy stuffing himself and rolling around in the excess that he had bled from the Irish public for so long, so he declined the opportunity to speak. So with the reptiles taking control and the pigs on the back foot I ask you is it time for a new bread of politician and leader, MRHP believes so. We recommend that some sort of noble bird like an Owl get a chance to lead and see what good they can do. Tongues out and tails curled for now.  

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