Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jedward: Muppets or not?

Personally, MRHP cannot stand Jedward, it's nothing to do with their image it's nothing to do with the fact that most Irish people are innate begrudgers and cynics and we are falling prey to this age old vice. The reason is plain and simple, they are embarrassing and they are really, really irritating. The are like a a squeaky mouse shooting up and and down a high-pitched sine wave on ecstasy. Look at the following video just to see how annoying they can be.

I pray that Jed-mania or Jed-madness, whatever it is called get's old soon, and maybe they will revamp their image and attain success through some other facet of celebrity but their current personae just really irks me. Take a look at this next video, poor old Vincent Browne doesn't know how to deal with them.

Vincent Browne looks like he has spent the last 24 hours with 20 children with ADHD. For MRHP it's a no-brainer, pun most definitely intended that Jedward are a bunch of muppets. Throw them onto a TV show for kids, perfect but please please for the integrity of what it means to be Irish keep them away from real people.
Owl out.

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