Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Invisible Beggar

After becoming frustrated with the sheer amount of people that chose to ignore his existence rather than drop a few pennies in his cap, Nemanja Petrovic decided to alter his begging style in protest to this inherent lack of humanity. In a strange turn of events his choice to leave a pair of shoes on the ground alongside his money cap and a sign saying 'Invisible Beggar' (see picture above) led to him making more money than he ever has before. It seems that people are more interested in donating money to this setup, which in itself is parodying the very people that are attracted to it. For this reason all of us here at MRHP would like to give Mr. Petrovic the honorary award of HUH of the day. Now as he sits having coffee watching people interact with his strange critique with contemporary society and acquire monetary gain in the process it must be noted that he is in fact having the last laugh, even if he is a homeless beggar. :-)

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