Monday, December 12, 2011

So You Want To Be An Arctic Geoengineer...

With global warming escalated past all estimations (which were massively faulted in the first place) and squabbling between scientists and scientists, scientists and politicians, politicians and politicians, along with general human stupidity as James Lovelock said, "I don't think we're yet evolved to the point where we're clever enough to handle a complex a situation as climate change...The inertia of humans is so huge that you can't really do anything meaningful." Nevertheless there will come calls for help, desperate plans drawn up more out of wish-fullness rather than practical coercion, and one of these will come in the form of geoengineering proposals.The words 'geoengineering' and 'global warming' mentioned in the same sentence is enough in certain quarters of the science community to let out a loud sneering guffaw with a dab of malaise. Leon would say to Larry David "LD what the fuck is that, some white ass shit?" Well according to it means:'(science and technology) Artificial modification of earth systems to counteract anthropogenic effects, such as increasing carbon dioxide uptake by fertilizing ocean surface waters or screening out sunlight with orbiting mirrors.' Okay so in English geoengineering is the means to change climates and any physical elements such as soils or river paths on Earth through studying and engineering them.

The absurdity of trying to control Mother Earth's body will not deter decisions made out of panic, to send up as many geoengineers they can pick into an airplane suitcase. The chances of geoengineers succeeding with our current resources, political divisions and expertise is zero. They should have been taking such actions years ago, but now at least there will be plenty of holidays for those who want to be Arctic Geoengineers, you can enjoy a hefty paycheck and a view of some animals who will soon be wiped from the face of earth, as your work will have no affect whatever so on saving the world from global warming, you can do fun experiments and just have a laugh. Or you could pull a David Attenborough on it and make your own BBC Show while your drinking your iced Martini. So want to be an Arctic Geoengineer? Of course you do.

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