Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thai Secret Weapon Revealed: Want Larger Breasts Slap Them, Want A Nice Face, Slap It!

A Thai women slaps breast and gets paid in the process. This gift of slapping breasts until they are big were passed onto the natural health practitioner Khemmikka Na Songkhla by her grandmother. Her godmother found her calling when she found a flat-breasted teenager using cream to try make her breasts bigger.

How does this work? According to her by slapping the breasts skillfully, she can move excess fat toward the breasts and enlarges them by inches post-slap. She said 'If your breasts are 30 inches, for example, we will record that with your signature. After treatment, your breasts will be enlarged to 32 inches. We will record and you have to sign again.' Even as I write this it is hard to take it seriously, but the Thai government is taking it very seriously. Thai Health Ministry ministry has approved it and even gone as far to sponsor women who are will snub surgery in favour for slapping their breasts into bigness.

To learn these slapping skills, it can cost as much as $330,000! Here is a before-and-after pictures of a client in the Bangkok Post. She had four sessions, she also paid to be trained to slap her own face 'I learned face-slapping because I believe it is a one million per cent natural beauty treatment. When I saw what happened to my face, the face-slapping training course became very interesting to me.' Well what are you waiting for start slapping your face :)

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