Sunday, July 31, 2011

Invisible Chemicals Are Turning Cities Into Slow Motion Chernobyls P.S. (this could save your life)

I have always suspected that living away from cities, in the sweet, soft groaning belt of nature, was the place to be, away from pollution, chemicals and the horrible infestation of social and non-sociable people that inhabit these cement tumours.

One professor Michael Depledge, who I imagine looks like the paranoid, rogue agent Jason in the Borne trilogy, but of course he doesn't, he looks more like Robert Duvall, would agree with me, he himself, lives in an idyllic, sea-side village. He believes rural life offers a prophylactic against disorders and diseases both psychological and physical.

Michael is in charge of the European Centre of the Environment and Human Health (ECEHH), his expertise helps uncover the dangers of toxins in a modern world, overwhelmed by invisible to the eye toxins, that inhabit, well everything from the plastic of laptops to the plastic of water bottles. One such naked toxin is called Bisphenol A (BPA) not something that you could use for the title of a villain, but nevertheless easily belongs there beside Gotham City's very own Penguin.

Anyways we all pretty much have this toxin in our body, and because of it, we double our likelihood of heart disease or diabetes and also defects with our livers and levels of testosterone. Studies have been undertaken which makes connections between BPA in low consumptive doses and the causes of 'neurobehavioural disorder and autism, obesity, reduced sperm count, abnormal sexual development, prostate and breast cancer'. Since these studies BPA has been prohibited in baby bottles manufacturing.

Here is a short list of some other toxic demons:

PHTHALATES: This can be found in PVC and plastics in perfumes, cosmetics and personal care products, it can be inhaled via house dust, absorption through skin, eating foods from wrappers containing phtehalates. It is labeled as 'toxic to reproduction' in the EU, if exposed to it in the mother's womb, there are risks of reduced male fertility, and premature breast development. Along with the usual horrors for all ages from endocrine disrupters...

BROMINATED FLAME-RETARDANTS (BFRs): This can be found in textiles, furniture, construction materials, electronic equipment, car interiors and carpets. They are found in almost every kind of food, once ingested they are stored in body fat and remain there for years, they are absorbed through the skin and via inhalation of house dust and eating from the contaminated food. Linked to liver, thyroid and skin problems.

SYNTHETIC MUSKS: This can found in perfumes, aftershaves, soups, air fresheners, laundry detergents etc, they are absorbed through skin and can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders.

PERFLUORINATED CHEMICALS (PFCs): This can be found in nonstick pans, stain-and water- repellent clothing and furniture, floor waxes and coated paper, gets to our bodies via absorption or a diet that favours fish. Can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and damage to liver and thyroid.

ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES (OCPs) AND POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs): These can be found in air, water, animal tissue and throughout the food chain, they get an invisible Luas to our bodies through airborne particles and food. They endanger important organs, the brain and the immune system.

So get all your stuff and head for the beach and stay there! The dark horses await.

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