Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Former Nazi Work Camps Now Used For Hotel Parties

A German Hotel organised prison parties in a former nazi labour camps. Now the hotel is offering "Prussian prison party package." Here is a link to the controversial hotel http://www.hotel-stadthameln.de/

According to TheLocal.de. for 62 dollers, as a guest you get a prison t-shirt, and the staff order you about with prison officer uniforms. When you initially enter, you are asked to drink a special "oral vaccine," and you the proceed to get imprisoned in special cells.

One man who is outraged that the hotel neglects to mention the Nazi history of the jail is historian Bernhard Gelderblom, who spoke of the parties as "grotesque" and says that anyone who was related to the people who were forced into labour here during the Nazi regime were "outraged and [found] it tasteless."

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