Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Pranks That The Internet Got Up To Today

The internet is one of the best places for spreading viral ideas and many of the industries biggest providers cannot help themselves when it comes to April Fool's day. Here is a brief review of some of the pranks on the net today. 

Firstly youtube posted this video this morning a very tame larf but I suppose they have to be reserved. However, I did very much enjoy the jazz cat. 

The wikipedia home page was full of a dodgey featured article, a lot of silly did you knows and even more unlikely events on this day. Here it is for you all the links should be active. If not

Today's featured article

An 18th century drawing of Cock Lane
Fanny scratching in 18th-century London's Cock Lane was so notorious that interested bystanders often blocked the street. It became the focus of a religious controversy between Methodists and orthodox Anglicans, and was reported on by celebrities of the period such as Samuel JohnsonCharles Dickens referred to the phenomenon in several of his books, including Nicholas Nickleby and A Tale of Two Cities, and other Victorian authors also alluded to it in their work. One enterprising resident diverted the crowds that gathered in Cock Lane by allowing them to converse with a ghost he claimed was haunting his home, to which he charged an entrance fee. Fanny scratching eventually resulted in several prosecutions, and the pillorying of a father. (more...)

Did you know...

From Wikipedia's newest articles:
Full-face respirator

On this day...

Frederick Muhlenberg
And what about Google itself did it get up to any old tricks? Well the played a trick with the fonts in that if you typed Helvetica into the search engine the original Comic Sans changed to the former. 

Twitter claimed that they were going to begin charging for tweets.  Virgin announced that Richard Branson had purchased pluto. Ryanair claimed that from October 2011 all flights would be child-free. This is one of the funniest ones, the Independent claimed that Portugal sold Christiano Ronaldo to Spain to pay off some of the national debt. And finally one for those Apple-addicts, Playmobile launched an 'Apple Store' Playset. I want one. Enjoy the rest of the day fools and foolers. 

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