Monday, February 14, 2011

Real Dolls for all you Lonely Hearts

For all of you lonely single people out there who don't have a significant other to make moist with gifts and enjoy card exchanging, while hallmark drops you to your knees and fucks you in the ass, there may be a very sexy alternative for you to enjoy. When we were merely sprouts on the end of a semen's tale and floating matter in an egg waiting to unite, the sex doll was enjoying pleasuring people all over the world and offering the lonely a taste of a real artificial person. In recent years these sex dolls have evolved. Stemming from the parody and frightening mockery that they endured during the 90s, the sex doll became a place of comedy and often found company flapping out the window of a speeding limo window at some stag's raging party, in which their inflatable friend was left to the wind, in favour of some greasy toothless slut with cotton plugging her infected gum sockets. SUCK ON THAT!

This dreadful treatment and the financial downturn of the sex doll market led to a new breed of doll entering the market and after ten years of constant reform and development these beauties have managed to hold their ground as a dominant force to be reckoned with. Some even becoming the primary breadwinners in their homes. The following clip from the Adult Entertainment Expo gives an insight into the history and current manufacturing of these Real Dolls:

After watching such a video it may put somewhat of a seedy light on these sex dolls. There are some of you out there saying Valentine's Day is not about the sex it is about the LOVE. Well you will be glad to know that many lonely hearts out there have been filled with the love that they have for their Real Dolls. The documentary Love Me, Love My Doll exposes examples of this love to the world:

So for those of you feeling lonely this Valentine's Day why not give up on the whole dating scene, skip the dinner and the courting and do some extra shifts at work. Then when your extra cash comes in go out and order your own doll and start developing a relationship straight away. It's grim to think that this is what Hallmark has brought us to, but desperate times call for desperate measures. 

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